5/52 Project | Buffalo NY Photography

Another week has past, I can't believe it is already February!  I must say living in Buffalo NY for the past 5 years has been a challenge during the month of January and February with all the snow, but we haven't been blasted (yet) this winter... not sure if this is good or bad???  Anyways, this weeks themes for the projects I am participating in were "Simplicity" and "Liquid/Self Portrait".  Here is my first image...


My sweet "baby J" was mesmerized with the simplicity of the letters on the fridge; I was (as I often am) mesmerized by the simple crescent shaped curls that adorn his precious head!  Call me a sap, my oldest boy had curls like this as well and there is nothing more precious then a little boy with sweet curls!


I chose "liquid" as my next choice, just wasn't sure I could manage doing a self portrait this week after recovering from having my wisdom teeth (with a gazillion complications) as being anything buy awful.  I am trying to look for the beauty in everything... and am finding that beauty is THERE... if only I take a moment and "see" it.  Even in the mundane task of washing a sink full of dishes... 


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