Project 52: Week 7 | Lancaster NY Photography

So here we are at week 7 of my project 52!  This week was much easier as far as finding the time for taking pictures as hubby was not away on business and I was not operating as "single mom"!  Thank goodness!

This weeks themes were:  "wild card" and "pretty ugly".  Wildcard meaning, we could choose whatever moment we wanted to capture.  The pretty ugly theme, is just that... finding the beauty (pretty) in the ugly... or what other's perceive as ugly!

Well, here are my images.  

Theme 1:  "Wild card"... I wanted to capture an everyday moment in the life of my kids.  A moment that brings great joy to my kiddos and makes my "mommy heart" smile.  I didn't anticipate capturing this image as my "choice" but couldn't resist when I saw the intense concentration and fun my little guy was having during his bath time.  It's the little things, the moments like this that are so fleeting, that I long to capture.  My little boys diving in and broadening their curiosity and finding great pleasure in the simple things!

Theme 2:  "Pretty Ugly"... well, my 3 year old was expressing his creativity in a way that I could not resist grabbing the camera!  When I asked him what he was doing, his reply "making my hand pretty, see???"... and there you have it... the reason for me choosing this image!


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