A Tiny Sparrow! | Buffalo NY Family Photography

I am extremely humbled to be a participating photographer for the Tiny Sparrow Foundation!  As mentioned in a previous post, this organization offers photography sessions for children and their families who are facing a life-threatening illness.  Being a part of this organizations is by far one of the greatest accomplishments in my life, both professionally and personally!

Meet this hero of mine and his precious family!  

This is Jack... he facing the battle of his life as he was diagnosed at age 12 with Ewings Sarcoma that spread to his lymph nodes and bone marrow.  You would not know after spending time with Jack and his family the depth of his illness!  His zest for life, sports, and his family are contagious.  Here are a few images from our session!

Thank you Jack and Tiny Sparrow for allowing me the opportunity to capture these moments with you and your amazing family!  

If you have enjoyed viewing these images, please leave a comment and some love in the comment section below for Jack and his family! 

If you have been touched by these images and would like to help the Tiny Sparrow Foundation, please visit:   http://tinysparrowfoundation.org


Jill said...

Beautiful!!! Thoughts and prayers for Jack and his family.

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