Fall Colors Abound | Lancaster NY Family Photography

Fall has to be one of the prettiest times of year to take photographs!  But what makes fall even MORE fabulous???  This family!!!!

Three things to share from my session today...  
1.  The moment I meant this family I knew we were going to have a GREAT session!
2.  Little Miss. "J" was so excited to help in any way and she is quite the photographer herself... she took a few great pumpkin pictures!
3.  Little Miss "S" has a personality as colorful as the fall foliage!  So much personality and so much fun!

Here are a few sneak peeks from our session... you be the judge... but this family is pretty fabulous!

I told you they were pretty fabulous, huh?!

Absolutely adorable little gals!

Little Miss "S", you are so cute... irresistibly cute!

A little beauty... and that is an understatement!

Sister hugs... love!

Sweet Innocence!


Giggly Girls!

More love and sister hugs!

Picture Perfect!

Thank you so much "P" family for allowing me to spend the morning with you!  You have a beautiful family!  I hope you enjoyed your sneak peek!  I will be in touch soon!

If you enjoyed viewing these images, please leave me a comment below!  I would love to hear from you!


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